PTK method
This method is most often used to treat various corneal abnormalities. Read what this procedure consists of and the indications.

Photo Therapeutic Keratectomy (PTK, or Photo Therapeutic Keratectomy), is a procedure that removes or reshapes sections of the cornea, based on the photoablation method.
The method is most commonly used to treat various corneal abnormalities, including the removal of corneal scars, strengthening corneal epithelial adhesion in cases of recurrent erosions and compensating for corneal irregularities.
What are the indications for a laser PTK correction procedure?
PTK can be used to treat a variety of corneal conditions, such as:
- Corneal scars: If the cornea is damaged due to infection or mechanical damage. Recently, the most common corneal scarring is the result of viral keratitis, often occurring with improper contact lens use. PTK can help remove these scars and restore the quality of vision.
- Corneal epithelial dystrophies: Some inherited corneal diseases can lead to epithelial disorders. With PTK, it is possible to remove the damaged epithelium.
- Corneal epithelial erosion: Recurrent episodes of corneal epithelial erosion that lead to pain and visual disturbances can be treated with PTK. Removing the damaged epithelium and healing it can reduce the frequency of recurrences.
- Corneal epithelial dysplasia: Certain conditions can lead to abnormal development of the corneal epithelium. PTK can help smooth and repair this layer to improve vision.
What the PTK procedure consists of
During the procedure, the surface layer of corneal tissue (epithelium and part of the dermis) is vaporized and the scarring that occurs is leveled. The laser operates only on the surface of the cornea, up to a safe distance. This prevents damage to the inner layers.
Photokeratectomy is performed using an excimer laser. At our Voigt Eye Clinic, we use the state-of-the-art AMARIS® 1050RS excimer laser from Eye-tech Solution to remove corneal scars. It has many additional options that ensure complete safety during the procedure.
How does the PTK procedure proceed?
Patient qualification for corneal scar removal is always based on an ophthalmologic examination. The procedure itself takes place under local anesthesia, applied in the form of special eye drops. Corneal scar removal takes a few minutes and is completely painless. After the photokeratectomy is completed, a special dressing lens is placed in the eye.
When performing laser treatments at Voigt Eye Clinic, we maintain the highest safety standards for the proper functioning of the eye.
Are you interested in this treatment?
At our clinic, experienced specialists take an individual approach to each patient. You are welcome to schedule a consultation.

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